If the Hard Disk Error 3F0 boot device not found is displayed on a đen screen, use the following procedures to lớn try to lớn resolve the error.


Press the power button lớn start the computer và repeatedly press the f10 key lớn enter the BIOS cài đặt menu.

Before attempting further troubleshooting steps, update the BIOS to try lớn resolve the issue.

Bạn đang xem: Boot device not found

For instructions, go lớn one of the following suacuacuon.edu.vn tư vấn documents:

When Windows won"t start, use the following instructions to open the Symptom Tests menu, and then run the hard drive test.

Turn on the computer & immediately press esc repeatedly, about once every second. When the thực đơn is displayed, press the f2 key.

The Symptom Tests menu is displayed.

Your Symptom Tests menu might be different, depending on the components installed on your computer.


If the hard drive passes the Quick Test, but there is still a problem with the hard drive, run the Extensive Test. This kiểm tra includes the SMART Check, Short DST, Optimized DST, và Long DST. Khổng lồ run these tests individually, select them from the Hard Drive Tests menu.

If the hard drive fails a test, click Troubleshoot.

Follow the on-screen instructions to attempt to resolve the problem, & then click Yes.

If the problem is not resolved, click Yes to tương tác suacuacuon.edu.vn Customer suacuacuon.edu.vn.

Write down or copy the failure ID (24-digit code) và product ID for when you tương tác suacuacuon.edu.vn Customer suacuacuon.edu.vn. You can also use your điện thoại device khổng lồ take a photo of this information or to scan the displayed QR code. The information is also available in thử nghiệm Logs on the main menu.

If your computer is online, click NEXT to go to the suacuacuon.edu.vn Customer suacuacuon.edu.vn website.

If your computer is offline, use your thiết bị di động device to lớn scan the provided QR Code và access suacuacuon.edu.vn Customer suacuacuon.edu.vn.

Reinstall Windows on the hard drive

Reinstall Windows through the Windows Recovery Environment (f11) or using the suacuacuon.edu.vn Cloud Recovery Tool.

Or, khổng lồ use suacuacuon.edu.vn Cloud Recovery Tool, see the document for your computer:

After reinstalling Windows, run Windows Update to update all software, firmware, và drivers.




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