Set dark mode on google chrome on a desktop or mobile and select dark theme or night mode on PC (Windows 10), Android, Mac, và iPhone.

Bạn đang xem: Turn on and off dark mode on chrome


2. Locate the option “Force Dark Mode for website Contents”

When you copy and paste the above URL on the browser tab, it opens up the Experiments page. Look for “Force Dark Mode for website Contents” and cảnh báo its current setting. It will be the default, which is the light Theme.

3. Change the setting lớn Enabled

Click on the drop-down arrow và choose “Enabled” to lớn turn on dark mode for Chrome and its website contents.

4. Relaunch the browser

The changes you make will take effect the next time you relaunch your browser. You can manually close everything và re-open Chrome, or you could simply click on the Relaunch button that shows at the bottom, right-hand side.

Set dark Theme as the system default

1. Navigate to lớn System Preferences from the menu bar

2. Click on General

2. Under Appearances, choose “Dark”

After making your selection, close System Preferences.

The wallpaper background changes immediately you move lớn a dark appearance. However, you have the liberty of changing the wallpaper image anytime.

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Enable a dark mode on Android

Activate on dark mode app android OS

The dark Theme on app android gives your phone a more classic look and feel. You have the opportunity to play around with this Theme lớn a greater extent, especially if you are using the latest android 10.

When enabled, this Theme essentially flips the appearance of your menus and every native Google tiện ích (YouTube, Gmail, Chrome, among others). Dark Theme can also be picked by other third-party apps such as Reddit and Instagram. The danh sách of supported apps continues lớn increase as developers realize a greater uptake of the Theme.

1. Mở cửa the Settings app2. Scroll down to the Display section

3. Toggle “Dark Theme

From the display options, locate Dark Theme. In most app android phones, this should be just below the Sleep settings. Toggle the button to turn on Dark Theme.

This changes your android phone theme khổng lồ a dark theme as shown:

If you bởi not see the option, you may have to drag the Quick Settings bar up to the end. Look for the edit icon, represented by a pencil-like symbol. Click on it and locate the Dark Theme setting. Drag it to lớn align for ease of access in the future.

Enable a dark mode on iPhone

Activate on dark mode iPhone iOS

1. Go lớn iOS settings2. Click on Display & Brightness3. Under appearance, click on Dark mode

You could also turn on the Automatic option for Dark and Light themes. Doing so means that your phone will change the Theme automatically depending on the timeframes you will have defined.

Change dark mode theme on iPhone iOS

iPhone quả táo allows you to lớn create a shortcut for changing dark mode with a simple click. With such a shortcut, you will not have lớn keep navigating deep into the settings to lớn change your iPhone mode.

1. Navigate khổng lồ Settings > Control Center

2. Check under More Controls and showroom Dark Mode

Why is dark mode not working on iPhone iOS?

If dark mode is not working on your iOS email app, you will need khổng lồ perform several checks:

I) Confirm software compatibility

The Dark Theme is not available in all quả táo versions. Make sure that you are using the relevant quả táo that supports Dark Theme. You need game ios 13.0 and later.

II) Gmail phầm mềm is not updated

By default, the latest version of email is designed lớn pick up the phone’s Theme. That is, if you change your phone lớn Dark Theme, email should immediately pick the Theme. If it doesn’t, the chances are that you need to check whether the phầm mềm has a pending update in phầm mềm Store.

III) The phone needs a restart

If you are certain that your phone meets all the requirements, you may perform a restart on the game android device to lớn have it working normally. Most users report that a simple restart helped sort out the issue of Dark Theme not showing in app android Gmail.