Quá khứ đơn


Điền vô khu vực trống trải vô câu vấn đáp của quy mô này với những động kể từ vô vỏ hộp vô quá khứ đơn.

Thanks lớn modern technology, there have been enormous changes in the workplace over the past 100 years.

What are the most significant changes that have occurred and what changes tự you foresee in the next 100 years?

allow     be     be     be     invent     increase     lay

mean     own     receive     replace     ride     take     walk

The pace of change in the world of technology is surprising. It wasn't  long ago that the postal service our only way lớn communicate over any distance. It days and sometimes weeks lớn receive letters from within the same country. As a result, the news in the letters already out of date when people them. In the workplace, this that business was mostly conducted locally, over relatively short distance.

When Alexander Graham Bell the telephone in 1876 it the foundation for the communication systems we have today. The telephone two people lớn communicate instantly across a great distance. Eventually computers typewriters and dramatically the tốc độ of our daily work life. Nowadays the Internet is an essential part of every business.

However, it is not just communications that have changed. Only 50 years ago most people a siêu xe. People lớn work or bicycles. Changes in travel as well as the increased tốc độ of communications have led lớn the global business world that have today.