sửng cồ - VDict


The Vietnamese word "sửng cồ" is a verb that means to become defensive or to react with surprise or anger, similar to the phrase "to have one's hackles up" in English. It describes a situation where someone feels threatened, offended, or challenged, leading to a strong emotional response.

Usage Instructions:

  • You can use "sửng cồ" when talking about someone who suddenly becomes upset or defensive due to an unexpected comment or event.

  • It is often used in informal contexts, such as conversations with friends or family.


  • Câu 1: Khi tôi hỏi về vấn đề nhạy cảm, anh ấy đã sửng cồ ngay lập tức. (When I asked about the sensitive issue, he immediately became defensive.)

Advanced Usage:

  • "Sửng cồ" can also be used in more complex sentences to describe reactions in various contexts, such as debates or arguments. For example:

    • Câu 2: Trong cuộc tranh luận, nhiều người đã sửng cồ Khi nghe ý kiến trái chiều. (In the debate, many people became defensive when they heard opposing views.)

Word Variants:

  • "Sửng" can be used on its own in some contexts to express surprise, while "cồ" adds a layer of intensity, emphasizing the defensive reaction.

  • There are no direct variants for "sửng cồ," but you might encounter phrases that convey similar meanings, like "nổi cáu" (to get angry) or "bực bội" (to be annoyed).

Different Meanings:

  • While "sửng cồ" primarily relates to becoming defensive or upset, it can also imply a reaction that involves surprise or shock, depending on the context in which it is used.


  1. to have one's hackles up

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